
Simcenter star
Simcenter star

  • Set the environmental variable STARLICENSEHIDE to 1.
  • Siemens has identified the following specific workarounds and mitigations that customers can apply to reduce risk:

    simcenter star

    Siemens reported this vulnerability to CISA.

    simcenter star

    CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SECTORS: Critical Manufacturing.A CVSS v3 base score of 5.3 has been assigned the CVSS vector string is ( AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N). The following versions of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ are affected:ģ.2 VULNERABILITY OVERVIEW 3.2.1 EXPOSURE OF SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO AN UNAUTHORIZED ACTOR CWE 200Īffected applications expose user, host, and display names when the public license server is used this could allow an attacker to retrieve this information.ĬVE-2022-34659 has been assigned to this vulnerability. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could give an attacker access to a system’s host, user, and display name. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ contains an information disclosure vulnerability when using the Power-on-Demand public license server. Vulnerability: Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor.

    simcenter star

  • ATTENTION: Exploitable remotely/low attack complexity.

  • Simcenter star