
Teamviewer 10 free download
Teamviewer 10 free download

Also you may switch the view resolution and the screen size from full-screen to windowed mode according to your selection.

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You can not only gain full remote control of distant PC, but also perform basic reboot and lock operations, leave text notes, send key combinations, invite additional participants to your web-conference (if you do this, you need to select the person you would like to invite from the contact list and in an instant he will receive a notification, which he will need to accept in 20 seconds). The ID-number of another computer is entered into the “Partner ID” field. If you need to gain control of remote PC, you have to know his ID and password appropriately. For this you need to send your ID and password via Viber or Skype. With its assistance another person may access this PC remotely and connect to it. The principle of TeamViewer operations in Windows 10 OS is very simple: on the running of the app you may see your personal ID-number and a digital password.

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The special software entitled TeamViewer will assist you with this task. Sometimes it is crucial to help one of your friends, partners or colleagues to set up PC remotely, to perform some customization, to install an app or manage some other configuration options.

Teamviewer 10 free download